
DHCP Server for Windows Customization and special support

DHCP Server is available as a Windows portable application and as a systemctl-package for Raspberry Pi. That might not be enough and you need maybe one of the following:

Do you need support for another operating system?

It is possible to put together a package for pretty much every Linux distribution. It requires a special build and testing and is therefore only done by request.

Do you need the source code of DHCP Server?

You want to make sure that DHCP Server can be maintained regardless of my availability, you want to perform security checks or you need to run a source clearing? Or you want to extend the functionality or want to embed the software into a larger system by yourself? All this is easily possible with purchasing the source code licence.

Do you need a customized version with extended features?

Special feature requests are welcome. Usually, I incorporate the new features into the mainstream version but it is also possible to keep them as part of a customized version. Let‘s discuss.

Whatever it might be that goes beyond the standard package, please don‘t hesitate to contact me by e-mail to discuss technical details and pricing.